//---> Name it and Claim it pt 1.
“That was great Cam’el,” Nicole said, unclipping the mic from his collar. “The stuff about you and your dad, exceptional, really different from the others. We’re considering you, but my boss wants to hear more about your street work, how you see merging this all together. It will give us a sense of any liability issues.“
"Dad said, there is a race going on between MONEY and LOVE, capital and compassion -- to see who is the most progressive, the most open, the most transformative of society. This romantic notion quickly went digital. Today we day trade and speculate on both.
I can virtually reach into global markets for any commodity or person in Asia, Africa, Central America -- all at my fingertips since LOVE and MONEY became bedfellows. The love of money, the money of love, that is spirit of Sin City, born and raised.
But, I'm not at all interested in moral agendas, moral panic, moral judgement. We're here for those caught up in pain and predicament. No one is perfect. We all err in so many ways. 'Ain't no man righteous,' Bob Marley used to say.
We're renaming this town 'SinCerity' -- acknowledging that amid all the good that happens daily, many fall and falter through the cracks of their American Dream.