//--->Keeping it One Hundred pt 2.
By 6am, there were sixty Valley Cafes ready to go. Simone, Lana and Miguel recruited one hundred volunteers, stationed in teams of two just outside the front doors. Cam'el's inner circle filled in at the rest of the locations.
With assistance from MOVEMENT, he was able to underwrite coupons allowing home-less recipients to discount drinks to potential customers. Value was increased when passed forward. Each one was given a booklet.
A percentage of the days take would be forwarded to a city fund for street-based mental health services. The process began. The un-fed gave their tokens, even as many who arrived held their noses, avoided contact or threw coupons away.
But some played.
They purchased discounted hot drinks and warm pastry for themselves and others who passed through. This happened all morning, while in the background police arrived, prepared to intervene. News trucks and trending posts prompted even higher levels of charity.
By noon, over seventy-one hundred purchases were made Valley-wide. More than twenty-five hundred dollars was raised. For a day, the un-housed were stars, catalysts.