//--->Passion Fruit. pt 1.
Simone Garcia went to bed encouraged. Things were going great. Dreaming visions, she awoke atop a mountain perch amid swirling winds and snow. Across a narrow gorge was Cam’el. “Simone, I have something for you.” He smiled, holding out his hand. Looking down at the snow and pine, she smiled back, stepped off and fell.
Members of the Circle were very proud of themselves. But Cam’el knew the in-Submissions had come from driving -- what his dad called 'the meeting in space of intention and accident' where you give more than you take.
Just to do the job, in-Kindness was required. While in-Faithfulness was an armor that fortified based on the number of trips you completed. For in-Goodness to root, one's heart must open to a passenger suffering loss – of a home, of a parent, for cancer returned, for lingering grief.