SinCerity's Children. 1/5
Gloria’s mom. Filapina. 70+ years.
Worked at the California Casino for twenty years. "I was so glad to retire. Customer service can be hard -- especially when people lose their money, and eighty-ninety percent of people do. They can be very mean. But casinos don’t tolerate being mean to customers, right or wrong. It’s their livelihood, I understand.
Now, I come downtown once a month to gamble and stay overnight. I like playing the nickel slots, but never win anything. It gives me a chance to talk with friends, to see all of the lights. I used to live downtown in a studio townhouse, until my husband died. Then my kids moved me out across from the El Cortez. I could still walk to work at the California.
My daughter now pays for my gambling and gets me a hotel room. I paid all her tuition for nursing school. That was a good gamble. Now, she wants to live so far from away from downtown. They have a 3-4,000 square foot house in a quiet neighborhood. It's nice, but I don’t care about that. It’s boring. I love downtown.
Mu husband used to work for a government aid agency so we traveled a lot, to the Middle East, Africa, Asia. Before that, we were in Fairbanks, Alaska, the interior of the state, near the pipeline. Winters were minus fifty below with wind chill. Summers were thirty degrees."
The final mile of the drive is on the newly completed 215 freeway. We pull into the Far Hills community, lined with yellow leaf trees and large modern homes.
“I don’t know why she likes it. Its not convenient to stores you can walk to. Young people care about nice houses. I don’t anymore. Just give me a room by myself."