
My dad entered this world one afternoon on April 14, 1933. He gave my sibs and I his name, love and protection well before we were aware of his presence. Thinking of what I might write to remember him today, I came across this scripture: "He who sees me, sees the one who sent me."
Very simple and profound sentiment. There is much I could say about how my dad sent me into the world -- how it has served me. But I would prefer to hear from other people. //------> Any and all responses I would consider a collective song to our fathers.
A. Did your dad send you into the world -- prepared, unawares, with intention? B. Did he pack you with good things or much you had to discard? C. Was there a time of sharing or celebration you wished had happened between you, that didn't?
D. Is there something he left undone or you have committed yourself to, to honor his presence or passing? E. Is your dad really your momma doing double duty, or someone who stepped into his place and into your heart? F. Are you a father who feels some great expectation to get it right, how so?

This is the last post for Season Two of JOHN'S KEYSTROKES, a fictional work following a son walking through the words and wishes of his father. I appreciate those who found the posts worth the read.