//--->Family ties
Fall arrives. Everyone prepares for Festival.
The phone rings. It's Jessie, Cam'el's half-brother. “Hey bro."
“Sup Jess?!”
“Monica and I are on our way downtown. We've got tickets for Aldean tonight. Have you seen the line-up? Boss."
"Yeah, pretty great. I'm hoping to get down there at some point."
"Why don't we go together? I don't mind swinging by..."
Cam’el considers the offer, rocking Karin as the LP turns, emitting pops and swells of acoustic jazz.
“I'm just getting the little girl to sleep. Don't want to wake her now. Why don't you two go ahead. Maybe I will catch up with you.”
Jessie decides to be blunt. “Mom told me about the TV gig, that you are in jeopardy of losing it."
"We might. It's complicated."
"Dude. If I had a chance half the chance you do, I would grab it and not look back."
"Listen Jess, we did the shows to let people know about our programs. I guess we were getting too real for them. They're leaving us, we're not leaving them..."
"You’re crazy Cam’el. You run a good game, but when you have all the chips in front of you, you freeze. I'd love to be in your shoes...”
“You always had more street sense than me Jess. Maybe this IS your time and not mine... Look go ahead. If I don't see you tonight, for sure we'll go together tomorrow. Say hello to Monica for me..."